Check compatibility

Important! Read through the following before filling out the form:
  • Your heating system must have an outdoor sensor that it relies on for Ngenic Tune to function.
  • If your heating system has an indoor sensor, it will need to be removed or deactivated. Here, we refer to the indoor sensor connected to the heating system and not floor heating controls or radiator thermostats.
  • When using Ngenic Tune, it’s best to have your floor heating controls and radiator thermostats set to maximum as a starting point, and then only adjust down in a few rooms/thermostats where you’d like it cooler.
  • Air/Water heat pump
    For some systems with air-water heat pumps, an electric boiler handles the control. If you can’t find your heating system here, you can also check under the Electric Boilers category. Ngenic Tune controls the heating system by manipulating the perceived outdoor temperature. Thus, it’s a fundamental requirement that the heating system is governed by an outdoor sensor. For air/water systems, the outdoor sensor is sometimes integrated into the external unit and used for defrosting. In this case, it’s not suitable to connect Ngenic Tune. If there’s an external outdoor sensor for heating control, then Ngenic Tune works well. This means the sensor for defrosting and the one for heating control are two separate sensors. External outdoor sensors are usually located on the north side of the house on the wall.
  • District heating
    We need to know which regulator is in your heating center. The regulator usually has some knobs or a button on it, and common brands are Danfoss and Siemens. Unsure? Send a photo of the substation to, and we’ll assist you.

    Type of heating

    Does the heating system have an outdoor sensor it relies on?It's a basic requirement for it to work with Ngenic Tune.

    Does the heating system have an indoor sensor?Here we mean the indoor sensor connected to the heating system and not floor heating controls or radiator thermostats.