Ngenic Track

Ngenic Track gives you a full overview of the energy usage in your house. Simply attach it to your energy meter and get your the data in the mobile app.

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Keep track of your consumption. While sitting on the sofa doing next to nothing.

Keep track of energy consumption and avoid being surprised when your bill comes. With Ngenic Track, an easy-to-install add-on to Ngenic Tune, you can easily view both real-time power data and historical consumption in the app. All the data in one place!

One extra box.
Lots more benefits.

Ngenic Track consists of an extra white box that you can easily attach to the energy meter’s photometer or flashing indicator. Is your meter sitting in a metal cabinet with poor wireless coverage? No problem! Buy our extender, which allows you to place Ngenic Track outside the cabinet. Now you’re ready to keep total track of your consumption!

Tonnes of data.
That fits in your pocket.

You can view your data for Ngenic Track in the same mobile app you use for your Ngenic Tune. You can find your electricity or heat consumption in real time in the home view. Can’t remember if you turned off the stove? Check the app!

Usage right now.
But also historical consumption.

You can easily filter the history view by day, month or year, which makes it easy to compare time periods and consumption patterns. Has your new dishwasher really reduced your carbon footprint?

Add-on for Ngenic Tune

To install Ngenic Track, you have to have the Ngenic Tune smart thermostat. The kit includes everything you need to make it easy to install yourself.

Keep track of your consumption

Ngenic Track

895 kr

Free delivery in Sweden
Free trial for 30 days
Requires Ngenic Tune

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