How Much You Can Save
with Ngenic Tune

Traditional systems are only controlled by the outdoor temperature. Ngenic Tune takes more factors into account, such as indoor temperature, sunlight, and weather forecasts, to optimize heating for several hours ahead. This reduces energy losses and provides better comfort.

Below is an estimate of potential savings with Ngenic Tune, calculated based on 2023 prices. Despite low electricity prices this year, there were significant savings to be made.

Energy Savings and Electricity Price Control

Maximize Comfort – Minimize Cost

With Ngenic Tune, you get a smarter, more efficient heating system that adapts to your home and needs, leading to lower energy costs and increased comfort.

Consumption10 000 kWh20 000 kWh30 000 kWh
Energy Savings1 800 SEK/year3 600 SEK/year4 500 SEK/year
Electricity Price Control1 600 SEK/year3 200 SEK/year4 800 SEK/year
Totalt3 400 SEK/year6 800 SEK/year9 300 SEK/year
How We Calculated

Here, we have summed up the effects of energy savings and electricity price control on the remaining energy after the savings have been made.

Electricity Price Control

Heat When Electricity Is Cheapest

Do you have a time-based electricity pricing contract? Ngenic Tune ensures your home is heated when electricity is cheapest, maximizing your savings without compromising comfort.

Consumption10 000 kWh20 000 kWh30 000 kWh
Electricity Price Control1 600 SEK/year3 200 SEK/year4 800 SEK/year
How We Calculated

The average electricity price in SE3 and SE4 during 2023 was approximately 90 öre. The price control with Tune reduces the purchase price of electricity for heating by 30% for a typical customer. This results in a savings of 27 öre per kWh for heating consumption.

Energy Savings

Avoid Overheating and Energy Waste

Ngenic Tune prevents your house from becoming too hot by adjusting the heating based on how quickly the house warms up. This reduces the risk of overheating and wasting energy.

Consumption10 000 kWh20 000 kWh30 000 kWh
Energy Savings for District Heating1 200 SEK/year2 400 SEK/year3 600 SEK/year
Energy Savings for Electric Heating1 800 SEK/year3 600 SEK/year4 500 SEK/year
How We Calculated

We assume household electricity consumption is 25% and hot water consumption is 20%. With a savings rate of 15% and an average electricity price of 2 SEK/kWh including taxes and transmission fees, and a district heating price of 1 SEK/kWh, the figures above are calculated. These examples are for illustration purposes only and do not guarantee that the savings mentioned will be achieved.

Buy Ngenic Tune

These examples are for illustration purposes only and do not guarantee that the savings mentioned will be achieved.